Where Men Can Live
Where Men Can Live

Where Men Can Live


33M Minimalist


Main wall of living room in new apartment. Thinking about throw pillows, but not sure what kind. Thoughts?

First apartment on my own and the living area also acts as my office (not shown) and music area. The couch is new and played it safe with color. Just trying to add more life and color.





How can i hide these cables on the ground? I thought of buying a dresser, but the problem is if a dart lands on it, it will make a hole. Now, the plan is to buy a longer extension cord, and put it towards the middle of the wall and then try to hide it somehow. It’s currently being renovated, so holes in the wall will not be there of course, plus the wall will be in a light grey color. The chair is gone. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!


What is the style of bed here called?
