My Peak 90s Moment

What about it?

Chuck Taylors, Baja hoodie, dyed hair, and a surly look in front of Subpop is probably me at my most 90s. My mom took me to Seattle the summer after 8th grade on a musical pilgrimage. We spent hours looking for Jimi Hendrix’s grave and gave up when the sprinklers turned on. We got chased out of Kurt Cobain’s driveway. I sat outside the original Crocodile Cafe (couldn’t go in, I wasn’t old enough). Good times, cool mom.

Read also:

[60's]My great uncle.

What about it?

My great uncle hanging out at the park, drinking some beer and smoking a cigarette.


Bruce Lee training Sharon Tate 60's


Simple iron chain bridge, Sichuan, 1930s


My Grandfather, career Naval Aviator. Served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Highly decorated test pilot who flew every prop driven aircraft used by the US Navy from 1940-1970. Survived over 300 carrier landings and multiple crashes.


A movie we all should have seen as a kid at least once. 1968.


This is me, at 15 in 1993.

What about it?

I was going into the 9th grade and starting a new school. (For context)


Can you fine people identify the musicians in this pic. It is probably from 1974, or not, who knows? Much love.


My dad had a killer mustache in Bam Me Thuot, Vietnam 1969.


Loretta Young, the original stunner. ca. 1933


Sailing around Annapolis with friends - mid 70s
