The 2020 Livraga (Italy) Train Derailment. Faulty wiring in a set of points and inadequately performed maintenance work cause a high speed train to derail. 2 people die. A link to the full story in the comments.

Read also:

Astronaut Neil Armstrong ejects just in time, as the lunar lander simulator (LLVM) begins to fail. (May 6, 1968)


(Den Helder, the Netherlands, 30 July 2009) The 'Prins Willem' – a replica of a 17-century sailing ship – catches fire and burns. She would later be deemed beyond repair and dismantled.


The 1968 Hixon (England) Level Crossing Collision. A heavy transport takes too long to navigate a level crossing, causing it to be struck by an incoming express train. 11 people die. A link to the full story in the comments.


Am I doing this whole "build" thing right?

What about it?

Idk but I look majestic af


The dark souls of FromSoftware bosses.


I have finally just beast Rada/Beast for the first time. I need suggestions for NG+

What about it?

I am using the Godslayer's Greatsword, and crucible tree armor. This is what I'm bringing into NG+, I am just trying to get ready for it and see if there is any stat improvements I need to make, and what level I should be to go into NG+. Thanks in advance!


WELL WELL WELL... Look what we have here!? I have heard the rumors, but didn't think I'd live to see the day I'd face one myself. *insert more tacky lines... Shame , really. How soon it will end...


This community is the best change my mind




