I'm lovin' it. [oc]

Read also:

Very devoted South Park fan


Homocidal duck lmao.


This is what you get for cheaping out lol


How expansive do you think the interiors of these buildings will be?

What about it?

I hope most of the interiors are done, there’s a lot of NPCs that will need a place to sleep/work. That’s of course if the NPCs we see in the showcase are “real” and not a show piece.


Finally got a Spaceship controller for my Spaceship keyboard.


Tattoo customization for our characters confirmed?


Chef will be a money maker

What about it?

Anthropods are all over the shown footage. By comparison, the pita and patty melt are only valued at 295. And if you’re already killing all these things anyway…


About the story info and the "sapce magic" reveal at the end of starfield direct.

What about it?

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like all they're showing us is just like the first 1-2 hours of the game right out of the prologue or opening quest? I have a creeping suspicion that the part with the relics are literally the first thing you do and after going to the temple/ruin thing you discover "space magic" and (sentient) aliens and the game opens up after that. There's also that picture of columbus in the Constellation hq who found the Americas and its people. Could that be hinting at more outside of just being frontiersman for the game?


First image of Earth we see in the game, not the usual blue we're used to, an indication of what may have happened to our planet🤔


has anyone seen this 'Rage Quit' button in the starfield direct?
