All posts must be from, directly reference or talk about something to do with Starfield.
Do not post spoilers in titles, period. Use spoiler tags when commenting sensitive information.
Don't post memes or other low effort submissions. This is not limited to image macros, it also applies to popular trends of any kind. Posting them in comments is fine.
Follow proper Reddiquette when submitting and commenting. Keep it civil, do not make personal attacks to other users, even if they initiated it. Absolutely no harassment, witch-hunting, sexism, racism or hate speech will be tolerated.
Do not spam. Always follow Reddit guidelines for self-promotion when sharing your own content. More than 1/10 of your posts or comments being self-promotional is spamming. Livestream promotion is not allowed. Discord promotion is not allowed.
Use descriptive titles when submitting a post. If the average person has to click on your post to understand the context, then it is not descriptive enough. If you're posting a question, put it in the title and give further information inside. Avoid the use of trailing ellipsis (this "...").
Do not post rumors or leaks without evidence. Any posts that claim validity without proof will be deleted. Word of mouth and second hand accounts are not evidence. You may submit your evidence to the independent Moderators in confidence, for verification first.
No promotion or enabling of pirated content and game exploits. This includes but is not limited to: torrents, free full-game downloads, .exe files, pirated mods, pirated keys, third party market resellers, etc.
Spoiler Tags
To create a spoiler tag, use the following markup:
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Welcome to the Starfield subreddit.
All posts and comments in the end, come down to moderator discretion.
For any further clarification or questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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