spaghettios ain't no country I've ever heard of...

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Fake Job Listings


🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: The Teamsters just voted by 97 percent to approve a nationwide strike at UPS for this summer. It would be the largest work stoppage in the US since 1959, and the stakes are extremely high for the US labor movement and economy.


All workers have a right to strike.


Just started at a new restaurant and got this bs first schedule. How should I approach getting it changed?

What about it?

I just started at a new restaurant to come on board as a server. After a week of training, which was primarily acting as support staff that they were short 40 hours of food, running and hosting , and then one actual day of shadowing a waitress where she made several hundred dollars and didn’t tip me out. This is the schedule I get? This is what I drafted advice? Hey guys just touching base in regards to the schedule. I can’t meet my need financially on 2 food running shifts and 2 serving shifts. I certainly don’t mind helping out if you guys are short support staff here and there. However good running was not the agreement when I came onboard. I’m really enjoying working there and feel like I’m a good fit. I hope we can come to some sort of resolution.


Spot on 👍


Kropotkin looking sexy


Found this absolute gem job searching on Indeed
