Pride parade in Turin, Italy, yesterday (17th June), it was the first time for me and I really enjoyed it and had fun and I just wanted to share this selfie that I took with my friends

What about it?

Me (in the middle, she/they), my bestie (to the right, she/her) and my other friend (to the right, they/them)

Read also:

Fit for the mermaid parade yesterday out in Coney Island


Me flirting with my hot, straight friend jokingly. Her: starts flirting back Me:


Posting one LGBT fact of the day until the end of Pride Month. 🏳️‍🌈


Excited to be celebrating my 1 year top surgery anniversary at pride this year! 🏳️‍⚧️


First Helltide mystery chest set the bar high


Today I have been humbled. Tomorrow we will try again.

What about it?

My first HC character died on lv48 to a goat, a shaman buffed goat one shotted me in the overworld. Life didn't have time to flash before my eyes.


Why won't it let me reimprint my focus? It's grayed out...


Please add more stash space. We barely two weeks in.


Possible bug? What is going on with this aspect?

What about it?

Why is my barrier absorbing less than the minimum? Can anyone help? I have tried to add a new aspect but it does the same size barrier.


regrind renown 4&5 and alters of lilith or?

What about it?

early access is July 21st the decision is yours
