When your shitty tattoo has a shitty tattoo

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It looked fine when it was fresh but after some months with it, I'm kinda hating the line work.

What about it?

Should I have it touched up? Or is it not possible at this point?


My shitty tattoos from when i was still using daily

What about it?

The bottom text loosely translates to 'Dunno, I dont think about this stuff enough '


Someone I knew Sait to me that this is the baddest tattoo he ever saw. I recommend him this sub.


Scrolling through FB is always a nightmare

What about it?

I was scrolling through some local artist’s pages on FB and I came across this. I’m at a total loss for words.


Got this done during a manic phase. A brain with a swing. Why is it so long?


how bad is this? paid $1000 for straight lines but they look crooked

What about it?

got designs on both wrists from an artist with a portfolio full of razor straight linework and i feel like i got screwed. i paid $400/hr bc i figured that i was paying for skill


Here's my contribution. #shittytattoo #bad


How to overcome this


Oh boy, that line work


Because yall loved/hated my "shitty" stars!

What about it?

I love the tattoo, the flowers are drewn by friends from an excange. The artist copied them 1/1. She defently understood the assignent.
