
What about it?

Southern Maine

Read also:

Mycellium puffing out of grains instead of spreading onto agar?

What about it?

Doesn’t look as I thought it would..


Found this in my basement under an old freezer. How concerned should I be, and what is the best course of action?


Xerocomellus chrysenteron


Check out this massive pair. Earbuds for scale.


Any idea what this could be?

What about it?

North East US


Fresh rain

What about it?

Pup for size


What is this? (Maine)

What about it?

Hoping someone can ID this cool fungus. Also, for future reference, should I limit ID request posts to one mushroom per post? I have a bunch of pics of various mushrooms from a backpacking trip… can they all go in a single post? Forgive the ignorance please; I’m pretty new to Reddit and this sub. Thanks!


Central Iowa today

What about it?

Out for a walk this morning in the woods near the Skunk River. Surrounded by lush green undergrowth in every direction I spotted these vibrant yellow beauties from further away than my eyes can see. They looked like jewels from a distance.


Northeastern US - found roadside after a couple humid nights


Bird’s nest fungus

What about it?

Posted this over on r/whatsthisplant and they suggested y’all would like it! This cactus has been in this mix of cactus potting soil, peat, and wood chips for around a year and these guys appeared after the recent rain
