My first brilliant move

Read also:

Hitting 1000 Elo in 7 Months

What about it?

I never really use Reddit, but no one in my life would understand this news. I started up my account on January 6 of this year. It at first classified me as a 900, but I quickly lost my way down to 300. I had never really played before, besides playing with family from time to time around the holidays. Chess was fun to me, but I never really loved it - that is until I started to play online. I was hooked immediately. I was intoxicated with wanting to improve. My initial goal was to be a 1000 rated player by December of this year. Through all the ups and downs and many many games later, I hit my goal 6 months sooner than I set out to. I’m not trying to brag or toot my own horn, just wanted to share with a community that would care about my accomplishment.


When is it okay to trade equal pieces?

What about it?

In this game we traded all pieces 1 for 1 and i have no clue which side is actually gaining from these interactions. When do you normally do this?


Why is this an excellent move?


Why is this not a checkmate?


Ahh yes, M38

What about it?

can some people really look at the board and say: "ah yes checkmate in 38 moves"?


My man was on rampage mode with his Queen. Pure luck on my part though lol.


Why would moving the knight to f6 be better than moving the pawn the way I did? Couldn’t my opponent just advance his pawn to threaten my knight?


Not the sexiest move but still proud of my first brilliant!!


Fun puzzle I created based out of a game I played - White to play


Very proud of finding this move in a daily game and chesscom actually gave me a brilliancy!
