Rate my setup

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My plans are to sell the laptop and buy a desktop. I have a 1440p monitor and a keyboard on the way. Not sure about chair yet

Read also:

Best way to straighten a PCIE bracket

What about it?

I bought this gpu (like this) and the bracket here is bent what’s the best way of making it straight. I was just going to squeeze it in a bench vice. What do you think?


PC keeps crashing when gaming usually looks like this. 3060 to and i9


Looking into buying my first PC

What about it?

I’m going to primary use it for gaming I don’t want to spend much more than 1k. I don’t know a whole lot about computer does this seem like a good deal?


Duck vs Truck


GPT3.5 randomly starts talking like a rapper, totally not because I told it to do that


It wasn't even that hard of a puzzle y'know


Fuck the replicants


I tried ChatGPT's less conversational cousin Curie. Curie doesn't mess around, I guess.




Am I banned or something

What about it?

It’s been a little over two hours since I last successfully sent something and received a response. I used to be able to sit and chat with chatGPT for hours, did they really tighten up on how many messages you can send recently?
