[Update] Three months ago, I had one crate (top left). Opinions were divided but a lot of people suggested more crates might look too cluttered. I really liked the first one so I did it anyways and I'm very happy with he result; what do y'all think?

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Just over a month in this apartment. Feels like it’s coming together but still missing something. Any suggestions other than some more stuff on the walls?


My mid century/loft living room


Where I spend lots of my downtine

What about it?

Got the house about 7 years ago. I've always been partial to earth tones. What do you think?


Chocolate cake with whipped ganache frosting


While the adult stage of Bee Flies (Bombuliidae) are pollinators, the larval stages are generally parasitic. It is quite the metamorphosis!


8GB GPUs in 2023 ...


Touché Reddit, Touché


You guys know any fixes to this?

What about it?



Are there any fixes to discoloured rgb?

What about it?

I don’t want to rma it as asus don’t have any white 3070s left so they would give me a black version instead. With all the trouble I went through to find the white version I don’t really want to rma it and get a black one. So if anyone knows a fix to this please help me out


Opinion on this PC?

What about it?

I want to buy a gaming PC that can handle modded games (like Skyrim, Fallout, Sims) with amazing graphics. I’m looking at this one since it has a 4070 ti but what are your thought? I’m trying not to spend more than $1,500.
