Got a massive flashing warning on my screen, it was beeping and making all kinds of noises. Then I realized it was an add. (It was just the top part that showed up when I got the add)

Read also:

I unplugged it from the wall

What about it?

At least it matches the charger lead now


Restaurant charges $1 extra to use mug or glass in-store


I love researching on the Internet...


Gandalf Lego came with two left beards


I try to eat better, and this watermelon is the universe's response.


Why does every pair of pants now come with a hidden zipper pocket?

What about it?

Chinos, slacks, shorts, carhartts… i’m not a GI Joe I don’t need to hide cyanide pills. Just give me normal pants!


My wife ...3 times a day ... everyday


People at my work today, take 1 shoe off the shelf to try on and leave the other one on the bench (I have no idea where the other shoes are)


I have schedule calls with my cousin weeks in advance

What about it?

I don't get it. She works part time, no kids, her partner travels, so she's alone a lot. How can her schedule be so busy that I have to schedule 2-3 weeks in advance? We talk maybe twice a year, btw


These shower doors don’t connect fully
