Ironic sticker on the back window

What about it?

“Hang up and drive” Maybe don’t be so critical if you can’t drive your big truck.

Read also:

We waited for over 25 minutes 😒😒


Why Do People Do This? Just Clean Up After Yourselves…

What about it?

Eating at a local favorite in town, and this big group decided they didn’t need to clean up their mess. Granted, it’s not as bad as others posted on here, but jfc.


Scams are getting more convincing lol idk why but I almost fell for this


At an outback steakhouse. Worst TV placement ever.


Just, why?

What about it?

Riding the train back home and spotted this 🤣🤣


How do ya feel about this?


Pretty much stays this way until I do them.

What about it?

My gf and her brother almost never do the dishes. Her brother definitely does not. And my gf rarely does either. She had the day off yesterday and all she did was sweep the floors, but not clean the dishes. I can't do everything for everyone.


Our house front door backs onto the back of a fish and chip shop back door and this is the state they leave the bins. The seagulls love it.


Interesting anomaly...


My friends location closed permanently with no notice. The workers found out today
