Ashton Kutcher y’all

Read also:

The way she cluelessly takes the picture lol


JP gets a fact-check


Taking this FIFA loss a little harder


The right of refusal in a free market


I want professional pet sitting WITH a bath weekly and it MUST be airconditioned, with one walk a day, but I will only pay you 25 dollars

What about it?

For context, where I stay, we usually pay $50/night for a 7kg dog, not inclusive of bath and walks. Usually walks are an additional $10, and bathing is an additional $50. Boarders are usually paid full upfront, some allow for 50% upfront payment. This lady is asking for 24h air conditioning and wanting to pay only $25 a day. BUT ONLY IF YOU MEET HER CONDITIONS THOUGH. Probably won’t even cover the electricity and water bill at this rate.


Will they actually do give-aways though?


Wants a free copy of Diablo 4. And another free copy for their partner. Oh, and they both should be deluxe edition. (Some of the nicer responses included.)


I wish 10k likes on a comment=100 subs


I want a TV for free but it has to be more than 43 inches😂 the audacity


A cup of water at Starbucks is literally free, just wait in the damn line like everyone else.
