Not food/treat motivated

What about it?

This is Monty, he is a Border Collie x Kelpie and is 12 weeks old. I am very passionate about training him but he just isn’t motivated by treats. I have bought multiple different brands of treats and different types of meats but he isn’t very interested. He will happily eat the treats but doesn’t seem to care much for them thus making it hard for his attention to be on me and the training. Any tips or tricks anyone can suggest?

Read also:

My 7yo Shih Tzu weighs 15.3 & is overweight.

What about it?

I am feeding him a cup of kibble a day. I have been for 2 years or so. He is very sedentary. How can I get him to lose weight? He has a big belly and I don't want him to be unhealthy but I feel like I feed him so little already! I try to get him to come out and play with me and his brothwrs but he just has no interest. Any advice?


What is this?

What about it?

My dog has this spot on her lower belly, closer to her groin area. It showed up a week or so ago and first was a little red, seemed a little like a scrape. Has turned into this brown, almost dirty looking spot. Not dirt though, if anything it’s a little dry compared to the skin around it. She doesn’t lick at it and it doesn’t bother her when I touch it, and she’s normally very defensive if something bugs her. Any ideas what it might be? Never had a dog with a hot spot so I’m inexperienced with those, but this doesn’t seem anything like a hot spot from what I’ve googled.


Growths on my dog's ear?

What about it?

I've been away for a while and came to pick up my dog from dog sitting and she's got these growths. She's struggled with ear infections for years but I've never seen anything like this


Fairly severe separation anxiety in senior dog.

What about it?

My 14yo chihuahua has developed severe separation anxiety over the last year, getting far worse the last six months. It’s at the point where only sometimes I can get away with leaving him in my bed for a few hours alone without a freak out, but that’s it. I have been going through a lot of changes the last couple years, and it is definitely related to that. It appears mostly related to my marital issues. We separated for six months, lived apart, got back together, but are now semi separated but living together, with me spending a lot of time at my mothers (I bring the dog with me). He has been with me and my husband and I since he was nine months old, but he is no longer able to spend much time with my husband even in our own home without starting to whine and go find me. If he hears the front door open, he freaks out. It got much worse about six months ago. I was spending a couple weeks at a time with at my moms and not bringing him with me, and he started melting down and forcing his way out the cat door when left alone. Locking him in a room keeps him safe, but he cries and yowls for hours on end. I’m not working at the moment, but I’d like to be able to leave my house without him freaking out. I understand why he’s doing it and why it started but I don’t know how to help him.


to show his thinking


To Spell …


to take credit for something she voted against






