What is this?

What about it?

Yesterday while cleaning my room I noticed this red spot in my dog.

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Younger dog nursing

What about it?

Hi everyone. We have been watching my boyfriends coworkers dog lola (left) for awhile now and everything's been pretty good. But I've noticed the last couple days my dog delta (right) has been trying to nurse. She's only 7 months old so still pretty young. I always tell her no and take her away from the other dog for a bit, but I was just wondering if that's normal? And if you guys have any advice on how to get her to stop. TIA


Anyone know what these marks are on my puppy's teeth?

What about it?

Just noticed it yesterday. Tried brushing it off but it's not coming off. 8.5 mos old golden


Weird behavior From my dog

What about it?

Today i went to let out my dog Oreo, when i let her out of her cage, she yelped and ran towards her mother. (Her mother has been fighting cancer, specifically Osteosarcoma). She allowed me to get near her and pet her. Doesn’t seem to be afraid, and i let her out and she went out with the others minus her mom. When I went to let her inside she ran and hid from me, i tried waiting for her, tried calling her and whistling. Yet she didn’t come, i attempted to pick her up and she screamed bloody murder, so i put her back down. I don’t know what to do, i don’t want hurt her trying to move her (also don’t want to give her a reason to bite me) Any suggestions?


How serious is this chip on my dog’s upper canine tooth?

What about it?

I’m wondering if we need to take him to the vet immediately or if it can wait until his neuter in mid August. He has a lot of vet anxiety and I’m worried they won’t be able to properly examine the tooth. There appears to be no exposed pulp or root, it’s just a small black spot that looks like a chip. The gum around the affected canine is a little red too. He’s eating, drinking and playing normally, and it does not appear to be bothering him at all.


Irritated paws help

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My 8 year old pitty has some red paws that she keeps licking non stop. It's been a month maybe a bit more. Seemed to affect all paws, but mostly the back ones. We are spraying the area with a antiseptic and antifungal spray, and seemed to help at first, but we can't get it completely away. Any suggestions on what it may be? Or any advice on treating it?


Red blotchy skin around the groin

What about it?

Hes been kicking this area a lot more so my partner had a look and he has some red blotchy skin in this area. But call or will he be okay?


My dog is currently 7 months and 54 lbs. What age do dogs stop growing at?


Tick on inner side of his lip

What about it?

Just found a tick on the inside of his lip (?). Was able to remove the whole thing without any trouble. Im used to remove ticks and know to keep an eye on it after, but I feel a bit unsure because of the position. Is there anything special to watch out for here?


Not food/treat motivated

What about it?

This is Monty, he is a Border Collie x Kelpie and is 12 weeks old. I am very passionate about training him but he just isn’t motivated by treats. I have bought multiple different brands of treats and different types of meats but he isn’t very interested. He will happily eat the treats but doesn’t seem to care much for them thus making it hard for his attention to be on me and the training. Any tips or tricks anyone can suggest?


My 7yo Shih Tzu weighs 15.3 & is overweight.

What about it?

I am feeding him a cup of kibble a day. I have been for 2 years or so. He is very sedentary. How can I get him to lose weight? He has a big belly and I don't want him to be unhealthy but I feel like I feed him so little already! I try to get him to come out and play with me and his brothwrs but he just has no interest. Any advice?
