Can we talk about my boy Satoru from The Rifft??

What about it?

First off, my man would've rathered lived on the street than get involved in political crap. Secondly he is a brilliant engineer. Third.... he's kinda hot ngl 😅. Like I didn't really like the Toph, Sokka ship in fact I don't ship Toph with anyone but damn... Satour kinda changed my mind 😅. He seems about 15-16 and Toph was about 13-14 I'm this comic. Plus think about it he's always amazed by Toph, she likes hearing about herself and she's capable of being sweet they'd be great together. And she didn't deny her feelings for him. I'm kinda sad that they didn't work out or we never got to see more of him though 😅 my head Canon is that he's at least the father of Su Yin but he died later on 😭.

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Architect: So how many windows we thinking? Client: Yes


Adaptation of historic building went wrong.


We have our own crazy house in my town.


Looks like someone couldn't do the wiring and did a workaround


I was just playing the blues, Dad.😢


“My legs hurt.”


I heard some guy got killed in New York City and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you, Steve?


What was the rest of Marge and Twiggy’s set?

What about it?

Twiggy has a kid named chip.


Marjorie, please. I enjoy all the meats of our cultural stew. Ah the ballet...


The majority of us today.
