Should I buy this🍌👀?

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it seems sus 💀

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I have 2 older girl cats and this new baby boy keeps attacking them, he'll chase after them and bite them which is causing my other cat more anxiety issues. What do I do??

What about it?

I just adopted a baby boy kitty and he was super sweet to begin with! But he's started being more chaotic as time goes on. I have two girl cats (sisters and both a year old) that HATE him. He chases after them and attacks them any chance he gets, no matter how much they growl and hiss they never actually paw him or bite him so he hasn't learned it's not okay to do that, they just run away. At first I thought it was okay since no one was actually getting hurt but on one of my girls I noticed she is missing fur in some areas. She has always had an anxiety problem ever since she was a kitten and would pull her fur out when I was at work for too long but after a few vet visits we got it under control and she hadnt had any anxiety problems until a few days ago. She's started pulling her hair out again and now I know it's really affecting her how he's acting. My mother suggested I buy a spray bottle to teach him since my girls refuse to bite ((they're too much of sweethearts :[ )) but I don't want to spray him, I feel it's mean and that he's too young. Is there any other way I can teach him it's not okay? I've tried saying "Ow" loudly when he bites but he doesn't care. I tried "No" and clapping my hands together loudly when he attacks them or me but nothing works and he's not phased. What do I do?


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Posted by u/KaijuUnit-01 4 years ago "hold up"
