Do ya smell what the Ron is planing?

Read also:

Are Jiminy’s legs supposed to move?

What about it?

The Jiminy I got has the short, immovable legs, while Pinocchio (for example) has the short, moveable legs. I noticed the difference but didn’t give too much thought to it until I took a closer look at the marketing.


When I was a child, late 90s or very early 2000s, one of my best friends had a helicopter, perhaps this exact helicopter. Was it part of a set and if so, which one?


Opinions on this set?


Advice Needed: Attack on Ninjago City

What about it?

Tldr: have some sets to build on attack on Ninjago City. What sets and minifigs do I use for the bad guys? My kids and I are building a Ninjago City that is being attacked by various bad guys. Here are the sets I currently have: -all 4 Ninjago City sets -temple of Airjitzu -ultra dragon -nya's mech -bounty ship -crystal king -garmadon, garmadon shark There are a lot of Ninjago sets for the good guys but need advice on bad guys to balance it out: -what bad guy mini figs to create a bad guy army -bad guy sets like mechs or other These could be new or used purchases. Thanks!


"The Collector I", My first piece for my latest Lego solo exhibition.


Added the Monolith to Tales of the Space Age


Just 20yo me, living my childhood dream


Husky Eyes


Sept 1 can't come soon enough. I missed the last one and I'm happy this one is less expensive than the first.


Nobody wants to kill me more than me
