I bought these games should I buy anything else

Read also:

Skyrim + maths = Hard?


New icon on Summer sale. Anyone know what this means?


DO NOT get this bundle if you have Skyrim Special Edition but don't have the Anniversary Upgrade. It makes you pay for the Skyrim Special Edition again. If you want to buy this, first buy the Anniversary Upgrade, then buy this bundle.


Is there a way to get this background for wall paper engine?


Am i the only one that can’t buy anything?


Various daylife must be really bad if they pay you to get it


DLCs on Steam should be sorted in categories, can take way too long to browse for what you're actually looking for amidst hundreds of useless costumes, for instance.


Imagine my frustration when Steam Support tells me that I can't gift using their own Steam currency. Bit of context: I sold my CS:GO skins and thought, "Thank God, I'm done with that curse. I'll do better, not ripping my hair out," and wanted to gift my main account games with that same money.


Can someone help me fix the search engine?


Bugs on iPhone app

What about it?

So when I’m in a list like under 5 or 10 or anything like that it won’t let me click on a game it just goes back to the top of the list and you have to type in the name of the game, I know it’s not alot but it’s annoying lol please fix
