Sus adventures

Read also:

Sleeping in a drawer. Again.


Losing ever cooler and freezer item

What about it?

This was one of FIVE huge dumpster that were needed to throw out every cooler and freezer item in the store. Even the items in the cooler and freezers in the back where overstock was. So on December 23, 2013 around 8pm, something happened that knocked out every cooler, bunker and freezer in the store. Nobody noticed because we were not a 24 hr store yet. We had basically been built for it, but city or county ordinance said the Walmart couldn't be a full 24 hr store till 2014. I worked 1st and 2nd shifts. Anyway, the reason that was mentioned was because we closed at 10pm. And 3rd shift had to buy their stuff before the store closed cause the registers would not be open for them to use. So no one noticed that the freezers and coolers stopped working till we opened on December 24, 2013. When a third shift employee wanted to buy ice cream before they left and it was melted. Which caused a cascading effect. So when I came in at 2pm we had so many people throwing food in carts and taking it to receiving and just throwing and dumping it into the dumpster. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of food just thrown out. But because it was over the threshold, insurance covered it, instead of it coming out of the stores pocket. And thankfully it was winter, or the smell would have been horrible if it had been summer.


I hate my life


What would you do here?

What about it?

I walked into the back room and found the bail like this. Thankfully lunch was called at that point so i was able to say fuck it for now


If I call out today which one should I use so it gets automatic approve Ppto or pto?


Another legend in the building…


Can I just put in all 6 hours or do I not have enough? Really don’t wanna get a point


Y'all.. smfh do your pallets show up like this too??

What about it?

Like this isn't even the worst I've gotten, but Jesus christ you'd think they'd know not to put squishy boxes on the bottom corners 🙃 I get that part of it could be the drivers, but damn bro those lunchables are dead dead


Pallets? What are those?


Rate my friends zone!! He is stocking two so they never really get to Zone often I was so proud when he FaceTimed me (I’m on 1st Hardlines) so I was super proud🥲🥹
