Two football fields may as well be a mystery

Read also:

They’re just making stuff up now


When and how do we stop the GOP-sponsored gun violence?




Can these people get anymore annoying. It's so cringe


True story


131 Tweets. No replies. No followers. Just a lot of hate.

What about it?

This man is a great example of 1 of the biggest problems america faces... People who are constantly in a hate filled mind space and constantly screeching and vocalizing that HATE to anyone and everyone that will listen or follow him. Ita clearly all he thinks about 24/7 to the point that if he even sees more than 3 colors together anywhere for any reason then it absolutely must be a rainbow and LGBTQ representation. When in reality, its the fucking brand colors of google. LMAO! And worse yet, he gets quoted by a news article that is on my google recommendations for whatever reason Dude is definitely confused thats a fact. You look at this dudes history on twitter and its only him screeching hate over and over to himself with nobody reading, nobody viewing, and nobody following. Weeks and Months or even years of posting whatever hate is on his mind at the time, Oh but GOD LOVES YOU! If you read one of his most recent tweets it goes on about how woman and men are in a authoritative relationship these days and when you look into the article he has boasted that every christian should read, it simply goes into how one of the churches recently opened up positions of leadership to women over men. And they really dont like that! its literally jusy an entire article about how women should never be in a position of leadership over men either in or outside of church, because GOD SAID SO! Oh and he also posts a lot trying to explain the importance of Politics and Government being tied in with The Church... even though you know... separation of church and state and all that jazz. These people qre evil, while preaching that they are for love and acceptance by god. They know dam well that there is a separation of church and state which they enjoy a tax exemption for , all while preaching the importance of influencing politics and government by the church. They preach hate against the LGBTQ community trying to portray them as some evil influence and danger to our children, all while protecting the pastors who are molesting children on a daily basis and refusing to address or even speak on the topic. A bunch of sick, fanatical, hate filled diddlers.


Don Trump - Like Father, Like Son.


Hide the pain Elmo


The shooter also supported Trump and hated Biden, but republicans don't care about the truth


The GOP believes the rich shouldn't have to pay their "fair share"
