My snuggle loaf

Read also:

Pancake-ified bunny

What about it?

My friends were over and he loves it when theyre over, and the moment my friend pet him he laid down, stretched his legs out and afterwards got into this position??


Future Yoga instructor

What about it?

He’s def becoming a yoga instructor in the future with that arched back..


My Fuzzy and Feathered Family


His new home


Vampire bunny 🧛🏻

What about it?

(Juicy bell pepper 😂)


Naughty boy, please help

What about it?

Our bunny Victor lives temporarily in my bedroom since his pen was invaded by ants like 2 weeks ago. He likes to explore my small room but also does things to get my attention, he loves me a lot and I love him too, but in order to get my attention, he hops on my bed, while he knows he's not allowed there, he hops when I'm outside of my room and just sits and waits for me, when I come he does zoomies and binkies on my bed so I won't catch him. If there wasn't a chance for him to destroy my bed (bite, dig, pee), eat phone charger cords or climb somewhere higher and injure himself, I'd let him, but he's a bunny so I can't expect that from him, it's starting to become a problem for me though. Any advice? (P.S. he's not neutered)


Planning his next hop


From the creators of "The Ear Thief", this summer comes "The Front Paw Thief".


Nothing beats a day in the sun


Lola| Chill day with her dad today I think
