Bun meme

Read also:

He didn’t read the bunny house manual


This starts happening around Pellet-o-clock every day


Any ideas where I can get this feeder for my rabbits? (UK based please)

What about it?

Hi all! I recently saw this hay feeder at my nearest Pets At Home and was wondering/hoping you might have an idea where I can get this or something similar? Essentially a hay feeder in this shape with a lid on top that’s big enough to hold hay for 2 medium sized rabbits. Thanks so much! ☺️


Sketchatootoo I did of my bun


We’ve been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty….!!


How long to wait before bringing bunny back home?

What about it?

A housemate of mine recently discovered she has a large bedbug infestation. No signs anywhere else but to be safe, the whole house will be fumigated. Does anyone who has dealt with this sort of thing know long should I wait before bringing my bunnies back home? (I have a place where I can stay with them in the meantime for as long as necessary)


Look at his pink lips


Juniper is tackling her to-do list, 1st up... Demolition, probably


Meet Tortellini 🩵


anyone else feel bad?🥺🫶🏻🐰

What about it?

does anyone else feel bad when you shut the cage door after play time and then they just stare at you it always makes me feel so bad😭🥺🫶🏻
