A miss click and if says it's good?

What about it?

Gave up my queen on accident.

Read also:

What is this puzzle about?

What about it?

1000 elo puzzle here. I just got this puzzle while on bus. I tried solving it for 3 minutes but didn't see anything that would make sense, so i used a hint. And this was the move. There wasn't any more moves in this line. Can somebody tell me what is the goal in this puzzle? Why am i sacing the bishop? Is this like AI generated puzzle? Is this a youtube prank?


Why is this no blunder


My first brilliant!!

What about it?

Oh no my knight


Accidentally resigned a bit too quickly

What about it?

I was going through some of my old games where I lost. Apparently I resigned without realizing there was mate in 1 :/


Wow, this guy really hates my Queen.


Just did this (630 elo)


Found this cool mate in 6 in a game


What’s the strategy here? Play 12 games and split the price?


Proud of this one, plus he took the bait.

What about it?

He took the knight and I found the Mate in 2.


Guess my ELO!

What about it?

Please? (I'm playing as white)
