Did the New York Times print a retraction years later?

Read also:

Nathan drove Florida into a complete Mad Max style collapse, but was still a better governor than Ron DeSantis


I dont think I have to explain what r/softwaregore is.


Sweet, looks like I can finally do this


How could I remove these deep dirt stains? (i promise it’s dirt)


How would I go about cleaning this white buildup?

What about it?

Is this efflorescence?


Sweat stain. Would be okay with converting the whole hat to sweat color at this point.

What about it?

Tried soaking the whole hat and scrubbing with laundry detergent. I don’t even need the hat the original color, as long as I can get it back to one solid color


Are these stains removable at all?

What about it?

Found these stains on a chambray shirt, any thoughts if I could even get them removed? If yes then how?


how to remove orange color from chain of bike?


What product would you recommend clean this neglected iron without damaging the surface of the iron? How should I go about cleaning it?


Copper Oxidation?

What about it?

This started to show up in my shower/tub. It was an emerald green until my boyfriend put bleach on it and it turned black/brown? Has anyone seen this? What is it and how do I clean it? Help!
