Am I overthinking this?

What about it?

In the Pagos Woods area, east of Faron, I ran into Mezer (was the traveling meat merchant in BotW and earlier in TotK was found at >! Bedrock Bistro !< ) who mentions he’s looking for a “rumored beast” (has also referred to it as a “blue beast”) that he wants to find and eat the meat of. It doesn’t trigger a quest of any kind, but sometimes NPCs mention things that, if you find, yields a reward. I can’t figure out what he’s looking for. I have pictures of a blupee, bubblfrog, dondon… Any ideas? Or is this useless and I’m thinking too much?

Read also:

Kind of ironic that RE5 of all games has the Classic Fixed Camera "Tank Controls" [Lost in Nightmares DLC]


Gex Has Returned


I so wanted an enemy to come by just to see what would happen... (Rise of the Tomb Raider)


Gets me every time 😂


I recreated the Louvre museum in Minecraft!


One of my next pieces I’m working on . My Charizard piece.


With the release of Gex coming back, I hope we get this little masterpiece as well one day.


Thought that was an RPG rocket launcher for a second


Since we're talking 90s remakes/revivals... PLEASE, GAMING GODS.


My Pink-Haired Friend is FINALLY Coming Back!
