Took a picture just as he was stealing the straw

Read also:

Cat in the dog house

What about it?

They take turns in there.


Our Bub (and Brother)


Thinking of adopting a second cat in an apartment

What about it?

I have a ~3 year old that I've had since a kitten, but now with work from home dwindling she's spending more time alone and I'm not sure if she's a fan of that. So I was thinking of adopting a 2nd car, but not sure the best way to go around it. My apartment has a decent amount of space, but most of it is one big space without a great way to keep them separate to ease them into being friends. Any tips on how to go about it, or if it's worth the risk of upsetting my single cat's home dynamic/comfort? (also paying the cat tax, as is the way)


Lucy and Steve tolerating each other for the sun.

What about it?

They mostly get along.


When you wanna lay down but the cats decided the bed belongs to them.


Oscar 8 weeks old vs 8 months old


Is my apartment big enough for two cats?

What about it?

I’m looking to get a cat soon, and I know that it’s better to have two cats than one. Honestly, I would prefer one cat, but I am considering two for the benefits to the animals, especially since I live in a one bedroom apartment by myself, and one could get lonely. That said, my apartment is ~687 square feet. Is that really big enough for two? I’m trying to game out where I could put two litter boxes in such a small space, as well as things like cat trees. I think I could get creative with cat trees, but litter boxes may be hard…. I have the floor plan attached if anyone has ideas


This guy…..


My heart! They love each other so much!


Outside shelter for pregnant cat strat

What about it?

Hey everyone! So recently these two strays with their kittens came to my backyard and have been feeding them for about a week now. I live in Michigan and it’s been raining a lot and would like to make them some type of shelter that they can hide. I haven’t seen much of the Tom cat but I saw the other kitty living in some fallen tree branches and she is pregnant! I can’t bring her in because I already have 4 cats and a dog of my own, they are all indoor cats/dog, but have no idea what type of house to build for her/kittens. I don’t want to call animal control on them because I am planning on trapping them eventually but want to still help them out. I appreciate all the help!
