I have to pay for the privilege of picking it up myself

Read also:

The pricing at this laundromat


my friend's mom keeps messaging me on tiktok


I better take this test seriously


4th cup of coffee this week to leak out the bottom


I haven’t eaten a single fry from this large fry


Movie theaters are learning from airlines to upsell seats

What about it?

I wonder if they might also withhold most seats until last minute? Cheapest tickets don’t have assigned seats?


Paid £3k for a dropped kerb and on day one this happens...


Taking up 3 parking spots with one vehicle


NJ sent a toll to collections

What about it?

The TL;DR is the only notice I ever saw in the mail was the “final notice.” I returned it as requested providing my Maryland EZ-Pass account information, which is active and in good standing (no idea why the toll plaza didn’t detect it). Next thing I get in the mail is from a collections agency. And after a quick Google, I read that NJ passed a law in February that they have to check if the registered vehicle has an EZ-Pass account in another state before sending out notices. Which… apparently they decided not to abide by. This feels like a racket. Like, even more so than normal toll racketeering.


Pc decided to change the time zone to mountain time even though I live on the east coast of the United States
