My first concert was U2

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Double Infuriating

What about it?

I mean it’s infuriating that someone didn’t pickup their dogs poop. Even more infuriating someone took the time to spray paint this. For context, it’s a private commercial lot in a city. Doubt the company spray painted it.


On the phone w/ my University ab paying for tuition, or rather on hold

What about it?

I was on hold for 20 minutes trying to contact someone ab paying for my tuition this year, and the whole time I just heard "Your expected wait time is 0 minutes."


The way my sister uses a bar of soap


This wall in my bathroom

What about it?

Even though it’s only slightly off it pisses me off every time I’m brushing my teeth, or using the toilet.


Where Tf did all my incognito tabs go? I had almost 20 of them now they’re gone!


This 'cake' that costs 42 USD.


Special vip parking? 😩😡


Headphones broken as I took em off


Cut cable years ago. Really? This is a thing? (Visiting a friend)


Is this some kind of threat?

What about it?

So I live in a duplex, there’s a top floor & a bottom floor, I live in the bottom section. The past few weeks no one has been living above me so they’ve been remodeling that section. Well a couple nights ago some guys had been up there hammering away all day, and the noise ordinance is for 10pm so I thought “okay they are here really late, but they’ll probably leave at 10pm so it’s fine.” They didn’t leave at 10, they kept on going, so around 1130 I shouted up there that “me & my 6 year old are trying to sleep and it’s time for them to go home tomorrow is another day.” (The floor is thin and you can clearly hear what people are saying in the other apartment) so I guess that pissed them off and they got even louder throwing shit down as hard as they could & just being complete “assholes.” That’s when I sent this text to my landlord and this is what he replied with that next morning.
