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[Image] Make it worth it


UNION-BUSTING AT GOOGLE!!! Last week~80 Google Help workers subcontracted thru Accenture received layoff notices. This announcement from Google/Accenture comes just weeks after 119 Google Help workers announced their unionization efforts with AWU-CWA


Hand lamination


Coffee loaf with coffee/chocolate buttercream


help!! i can’t make frosting

What about it?

no matter WHAT! no matter the recipe, ingredients, etc. My frosting neverrrrrr ever comes out right. This is the cake i made today I was SO excited and now i’m just disappointed beyond belief. How tf do y’all make frosting !!???


Silpat off amazon

What about it?

Has anyone had problems with silplat off amazon. I just got one and it's smoking like crazy at 400 degrees Celsius.


Ciabatta question!

What about it?

I made ciabatta for the first time. It’s DELICIOUS! However, I really missed that “dusty flour” look on most of them. (Like the middle one in my pic, except more so.) Does anyone know how to ensure they come out more floury on top? Thank you!


Vegan Blueberry Galette

What about it?

One day until new oven arrives. Practiced by making this galette in my toaster oven. Will post recipe upon request.


Red velvet cupcakes for my friends birthday!


My first time making a Key Lime Pie
