Urgent Advice Needed. Someone is going to pepper spray a TINY homeless kitty.

What about it?

I'll try to keep this short. My Mom's live-in BF had a problem with a very skinny homeless orange tabby in our neighborhood. He tried a water bottle to spray it, to keep it off tbeir porch and lawn. He owns a cat himself, a long-hair orange tabbhly. He claims he is worried about fleas. Then, I found THIS. I WAS SHAKING. This is to keep humans from being killed during a vicious dog attack. NOT for this 2lb kitty, who is permanently sad, and comes around looking for his other "kitty friends". I hid the spray immediately. Last night, he realized it was gone and got VERY angry. I told him to read the bottle. It's for a life-or-death situation/dog attack - NOT for a hungry kitten who crosses into the yard!! Seeing thaf "fleas" is his major concern (or so he says), I bought an extra box of Frontline and applied it to the skinny lil guy. SO NOW, the flea excuse is null. Cats can catch fleas from all sorts of things outdoors anyway. If he's so worried, he shouldn't let his own cat outside. I don't live with them (my Mom and this BF), and now I am so anxious. He demanded the spray back. I pulled up a ton of info on the internet to educate him on this. I'm scared to death for that lil guy. What do I do? What would YOU do? I can't break up with him, bc he's not my BF. I have to go over there often to help both him and my Mom (age 70 & 76).

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