anon finds hope

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Does this look like buildup or something more concerning?

What about it?

Does this look like food buildup? Any advice on what we can use at home?


What is the best way to train my anxious dog to use the dog door on her own?

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Freya (pictured) sits in front of the dog door and grumbles until someone comes over and pushes the flap in slightly. Biscuit (other dog not pictured) was also nervous about the dog door, but I was able to get her use to it by using treats. Biscuit now uses it on her own. Freya is not food motivated and very stubborn. We’ve had the door about 2 weeks. She has only used the dog door to go in and out during this time, but always with assistance. She flinches from the sound of the door, so sometimes I swing it back and forth to get her more use to the sound. She will not touch or nudge the door on her own. When she walks through, I let go of the door so she gets use to the slide along her back. Is there something else I can do to help her get use to this? Or is it just a matter of time? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


Puppy Shopping Spree!

What about it?

I am picking up my puppy today. I have not had a dog in my home fo 30 years and this came about rather quickly so my home is not prepared and I don't have everything I need. What are the essential things for me to have in the first week? The essential things I should do (he already has a vet appt)? For now, he can use several things from my cat (RIP Webster 💔). Keeping in mind, this little guy may grow to 100 lbs. TIA!


Not sure if his stitches are healing ok

What about it?

My nearly 5 month labradoodle had an umbilical hernia repair 2 weeks ago. He was really good with his cone and didn't try to go at his stitches. Unfortunately, he's a jumpy boy and wants to be active. We did our best to keep his activity level minimal. I just want to make sure it's healing ok before his cone is off in the next day or two per our vets advice.


What’s wrong with my dog’s nipple?

What about it?

My dog has one nipple that looks like a blister. Happened first around same time last year, where the vet popped it like a blister, but it swelled back up almost immediately next day, then went down on its own over a few days. This year, it came back and I was hoping it would go away on its own like last time, but it’s been here for over a month. About 4 months ago we went to a new vet, took x rays and blood work, and everything is normal. When this blister showed up again about a month ago I called the vet and she said she wouldn’t be too concerned if my dog is eating normally and seems normal. Which she does. She enjoys every single meal and snack with the utmost enthusiasm as usual. Does anyone know what this is? Should I pop it like a blister at home?


What is this


First time dog owner. Does anyone know if this darker purpleish color on the gum where the teeth touches is considered normal? Or should I be concerned that his teeth may be digging into his gums?


It's hot even at night. Idk how to cool the dogs off

What about it?

It's 95% degrees F right now and 80% humidity. According to a chart I found on heat index it "feels like" 136°F!! Florida summer is back, and it's hot and humid at night as well. Idk if this is going to make much sense for people not living in hot humid places, but it's like you're walking through soup. Sweating does nothing for you. There is no evaporative cooling because there's no more room in the air for any more moisture. It just clings to you and honestly makes it feel even hotter. Shade is useless, night is useless, breezes are rare and even then rarely useful. I can't imagine what it's like to be covered in fur unable to sweat-- you know though? I bet people from similar locations know more what it feels like to be a dog than other places since our swear doesn't cool us off. The Southeast and plenty of places in Central and South America should be in charge of making cooling equipment. I'm so tired of finding hopeful products for myself or my dogs only to find out they don't work in high humidity. Anyway. Ranting is useless too, probably. My dog is 14. She can't stay inside til November, but it's noticeably harder for her to be outside right now. Fellow people of the hot and humid, any tips?? Is it too crazy to dunk a dog sweater in water and put it in the freezer? I don't think there's enough freezer space for that, darn it. Someone's gotta have something. Doggo photo for tax. Also it just seems like cruel and unusual punishment to post in a dog forum without showing off your dog. Inquiring minds want to see the pooches!


Cranial cruciate ligament rupture.

What about it?

Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has any advice from experience of a dog rupturing their cruciate? Our Yorkshire terrier has done hers in and the vets are being great but they're not really giving specifics on how to help. She's had blood work done to make sure she's on the right pain meds but were5yet to have x-ray confirmation, just the vet feeling about a bit. They've said rest and relaxation and short on leash walks only. She's 15 so I know surgery isn't going to be an option. We have a crate for her but she's old and was never properly crate trained ( we inherited her when my mum passed) so she doesn't stay still. Especially if we go out she just turns circles in the crate. She can't have treats as she has a very funny tummy and anything too fatty gets brought back up. They also found a heart murmur that no one has ever picked up on before, even though she's had regular check ups, including one just a few days before she had her accident. Any ideas on how to help would be much appreciated. Included puppy tax 🙂


What's your thoughts?

What about it?

I really want to go get this pretty girl. I've been looking for a female dog for a while, and finally have the room, the house and the FENCED yard to do so. I'm already starting to talk myself out of it though because we had a dog, I loved him. He was too much for us to handle, he was a German Shepard mix and he was absolutely insane, I found him the PERFECT home with my friend who was experienced with those kind of dogs, and she had 2 dogs already that adopted him into their "pack" he was 100% a "I need a pack" kind of boy. I tried so hard to make him fit in with us, and make him happy and in the end I did what I thought was best. And he's living his best life. On to this pretty girl here, I'm feeling guilty I guess. Do I deserve a dog after what happened? I mean She's 100% my choice, she would be MINE even tho she will be our "family" dog. Our first dog wasn't my choice and I knew he would be hard, and it was 3+ years ago now, I still cry about it sometimes cause it sucked. I'm not looking for put downs here, I'm looking for logical answers. Anyone else have some similar happen? I want her so bad but I guess I'm afraid of the same thing happening even though I won't let it. Idk
