My cats are sleeping happily in their new tree

Read also:

Penny likes the new furniture


Our cat keeps going to the bathroom in front of the front door

What about it?

Typing on mobile so sorry if the formatting is bad. My wife and I have a one year old cat who keeps using the bathroom in front of our front door. We have tried to get her to stop by showing her to her litter box when she looks like she might go, and putting scents she might not like over there but she continues to pee. What should we do? Should we get a second litter box near the front door? Any advice is welcome.




Came down the stairs last night to this…


Bittersweet day. The shop cat found a forever home. I’m gonna miss her!


The Baby




Tried tinfoil on the litter robot and it worked…until my other cat started eating it. Should I put vasoline on it?

What about it?

My cats food used to be on the shelf to the right so she climbs on it to get food I cant keep it down cause of other cats and she still thinks it’s on the shelf. I used to just clap my hands but I don’t wanna scare her from her litter box and make her not feel comfortable in a safe space. I feel like vasoline on top would be the best way for her to not associate anything negative with her litter box but also not be able to get on it


Please agree that this boy’s name is Cleetus? (Like yeetus)

What about it?

Picking up this 8 week old baby boy tonight and I just instantly referred to him as Cleetus. My boyfriend likes it but also thinks we can do better. I don’t think so, my heart says Cleetus, please agree with me!


Feeling a bit sad, can I have cute cat pics to cheer up?
