The real reason charles doesn't follow max

Read also:

Same energy.


Umm… look at the likes 💀💀💀 absolute savagery


Approximate f1 constructor standings


Lando on the rumors he's going to Ferrari




Proto-Indo-European is the ancestor to most European and Indian languages and his commenting on a video made by two professional linguists


Walking advice

What about it?

Hello everyone I’m looking to see if anyone may have gone through the same issues and can offer some advice. My 4 year old pitty as much as I love him his walking habits are starting to become a challenge. He is not a puller and loves going for walks perhaps too much. Where the issue comes in is when I’m walking in a direction and he doesn’t want to walk in that direction so he’ll plop his dead weight down and won’t move until we go the direction he wants to. As cute as this may look it it’s causing quite the headache on our daily walks. Pulling him doesn’t help and causes me stress as I fear I’m putting more stress on him and hurting him (already has elbow dysplasia) and I think I’m making it worse. Treats used to work but it seems he’s tired of the treats or they just don’t interest him or he’s caught on to the tactic. I’m sure he could use more training on his walking but i am unsure of what that might be or look like. Thank you for any advice.


Sore or bite?

What about it?

I’ll start by saying I’ll take him to the vet for sure! Just looking to see if anyone has had a similar mark on their dogs face and what it was? It started as a small bump with a red dot in the middle. He has a habit of chasing bees and spiders etc so I figured he’d been stung or bitten. It’s been two weeks today and still there - it looks more inflamed than ever and not getting better


The larger the d*ck, the shorter the life.


Happy billionaire dies because of something stupid again to you too
