Oh honey no

What about it?

Local artist. He’s the owner of the shop. This may be the worst he’s ever done. It’s usually not this rough but I gasped. Sorry if you’re in here!

Read also:

On this day 1789 - The Storming of the Bastille has taken place, the French revolution has begun


this 15 meters high "hill" in the Netherlands is called high mountain. (Texel)


Rue Soufflot, bal du 14 juillet, Quartier Latin 1912. Paris Fête Nationale Bastille Day.


Belgian soldiers in the Korean War, 1951


On this day 110 years ago Romania invaded Bulgaria


The new subway cars in Stockholm have some interesting ventilation covers


Segovia, Spain.


Lovely alley by my house


Johnson and Johnson pretending to care about people of color while at the same time using dirty tactics to increase the length of their patent for life saving TB medicine that almost entirely hurts people in third world countries. The research for the drug was largely funded by public money.


People parking so close to my car that it’s nearly impossible to get out, had only a little space in front too, and this is on a narrow road, bonus that the van was on double yellow lines as I’d parked right near the end of the line
