The face of a girl that feeling cute today. F25

Read also:

Face of a czech girl who's about to have a good walk outside


The face of a girl who is living the best day of her life!


It’s my let’s get this workday over with face!


The “hiding face behind sunglasses” kinda hangover


Hitler fangirls complain about "targets on our backs"


Quest or something?

What about it?

i keep seeing him pop up randomly when i visit the coffee shop. i always chat with him when i see him. don't spoil it for me because im still new to AC, but is there a point to seeing him? like, if i keep talking to him every visit will something come out of it at some point?


I gave Kabuki a samurai hakama for his birthday will he ever ware it or will he just display it I've never given a gift that was not a fossil before so I'm not sure


Looking for layout help!

What about it?

My island has 12 villagers (10 animals, then me and my girlfriend) and the map is nearly default as of now. I want to place me and my partners homes close to eachothers but I can't figure out how to do it. If anyone has pictures of 12-villager layouts, that'd be appreciated!


When you're trying to find rare sea creatures, but you don't find any

What about it?

I need a giant isopod, but NOPE IT DOESN'T WANT TO BE FOUND


Is there a reason why the tulips aren’t growing?

What about it?

Hey everyone! I posted a few days ago and people were really helpful so I’m posting again - there are some cosmos growing, but I don’t see any new tulips. Thoughts?
