To show the right pepper

Read also:

16 week Duck toller puppy broke his tooth

What about it?

Just noticed today that he broke his tooth. He’s already started teething and has lost 4 incisors with 2 adult incisors already surfacing. Also, the broken canine tooth is a little loose. He has a vet appointment scheduled next week for his last round of shots. Should I take him in now or just keep an eye on the tooth and ask the vet about it next week?


Strange dog behavior

What about it?

I have 3- and 5- year old goldens. The three year old loves to play rough with other dogs and got a small cut on his neck two days ago. It’s healing and not a big deal, but my 5-year old’s behavior has changed completely. He is licking the younger one’s neck and feet, and humping him, as well as panting and unable to relax. I gave the five-year-old a half Benadryl yesterday and another half today and he calms down. Has anyone else in this kind of behavior?


My dog has a raw spot in the middle of her chest. I'm still fairly new to owning a dog and would like some advice on what to do please!


And there it is, they're denying marriage licenses to LGBT+ people in Texas. Leave Texas and Florida now.


Meanwhile in switzerland


Reddit coins and awards will end September 12nd, 2023


Me irl


Guess he is still very salty


Would you be interested if Blizzard make MMORPG based on Starcraft after acquisition?


Thanks I hate paper towel dispensers
