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Your source for the latest Xbox platform news and discussion with a focus on new-gen systems.
Subreddit Rules
#1 Keep It Civil/No Console Warring Discuss the subject, not the other user. Personal attacks, racism, bigotry, and other prejudice are not welcome here. If you are here only to platform bash you risk removal.
#2 No Tech/Support Posts - Support posts are not allowed in this community. This includes all tech, compatibility, setup, and similar topics. Please consider the official xbox support page or r/XboxSupport if you need help.
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#8 Sunday Fundays - On Sundays starting at 12:00 am EST (or seasonal EDT) users will be allowed to make posts showcasing memes, achievement milestones, setups, collections, controller mods, fan art, and similar user created content. Posts must be positively received and non-hostile in nature. This content will be removed all other days regardless of upvotes or awards.
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