AITA Hyrule Edition

What about it?

So there’s this princess I was a royal guard for at the behest of her father, and we more recently sort of got together? In a situationship? after hating each other at first. Well, things in our kingdom really went to shit. First, I was put to sleep essentially for 100 years so I wouldn’t die from wounds I had in battle (couldn’t even remember who I was when I first woke up), then after we dealt with that together and become even closer, 6 years later the same asshole who caused the initial problems came back causing major problems again. Things are calming down now that we have dealt with him and his puppets, and we even have our dream home which was built by a good friend of ours. Problem is, things just haven’t been the same. See, she’s changed. A lot. AITH for wanting to break up with her after all we have been through?

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Real live Sundelion!!!!


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Klanned Karenhood


Well. That was entirely predictable. Fucking ghouls.

What about it?


Pence says he supports banning abortions for nonviable pregnancies


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Do as I say and NOT as i do?


Truly incredible considering the facts
