What tool do I need to use to take out this tap?

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What tool do I need to use to take out this tap? I'm in the UK if that means anything

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Am I screwed?

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Greetings all, I'm not 100%sure if this is the correct sub for this... BUT... due to recent flooding in my area my blower for my boiler got a bit wet, as you can see from the photo it is about halfway up the motor itself and the air band is pretty well submerged. I knew I was going to be out of town for a few weeks so I had shut down the boiler about 2 weeks prior, no power to the unit and the burn box was cold when it got wet. Is there hope of saving the blower assembly or am I in for a world of hurt when it comes to calling in a plumber?


Why does this happen to my basement bathroom sink?

What about it?

I have to clean this (what looks like remnants from dirty water) from my basement sink every few weeks. It and the rest of the bathroom rarely get used if that adds any context. I haven’t done any work to this bathroom since we moved in 18months ago.


I need to replace the face plate that goes here, but I’m not too sure which one I need to get. Any suggestions?


Is this normal for a shower drain install?

What about it?

See the attached picture, it’s a flat drain in the shower of a new home


Purpose of deck plate

What about it?

When you only have a single hole (no need to cover 3 holes) does the optional deck plate serve any purpose? What are the pros and cons to using it? Or is it just aesthetics/users choice? Thanks.


Vanity drain

What about it?

Home owner not a plumber so take it easy! PEX hookups were already there, also no room to get the AAV higher. Have a good weekend everyone!


Pressure regulator went bad - How do I remove the "top" of the old one in order to replace?


Snapped the plug, any tips?

What about it?

I was going to try to find a chisel a bit wider than a flat head to wedge in there. Any better ideas?


Is this the indoor unit filter that needs yo be changed? Only this one? Not the smaller vents right?



What about it?

Is this normal or like why did they set it up like this🫠
