Help, can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it or help it?

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My dog has a chipped tooth and I don’t know if I should be worried or not. he’s only 1 years old and I feel like such a bad mom.


Can I trust that my dog will know if he is overheating? 😅

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Hello everyone, I can’t seem to find an answer to this question anywhere and was hoping someone might know. My dog ( 2yr old black Shiba inu ) loves to sleep in the sun and we leave the roof door open so he can come in and out as he pleases to pee and play. We live in a very hot country and as stated he is black and has a double coat obviously. We have noticed that already twice now he will go outside and sleep for 30 min and then come down panting and drooling which always make me think whether he just risked a heat stroke. I’m pretty sure he would know himself but we leave the roof open when we leave him alone and I don’t want to run the risk of him being alone and not noticing 😅. ( pic for cute tax )


Need some advice regarding necessary crating

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My dog was diagnosed with a herniated disc (cervical) three years ago. Surgery was not recommended at the time and we'd certainly like to avoid it now. He was prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine along with muscle relaxant. He's been mostly fine over these past three years, although he's had flare-ups every six months. Those were resolved with the same treatment. He's now 12 years old and he's had his June flare-up, only this time medication didn't work. He would ostensibly feel better hours after giving him meds but would relapse pretty quickly, unlike previous flare-ups when he would be fine for months after treatment. The last few times vet did recommend that he move as little as possible and we've tried our best while avoiding crating him, but he's an anxious dog and it's really difficult to keep him from barking, running... (luckily he's never been able to run up and down the stairs so he's naturally confined to one floor of the house). He's now able to walk, hasn't apparently lost back legs mobility, although they are weak (you can tell because when he comes home from a walk they shake uncontrollably for a few seconds). We are obviously very worried he's getting worse so this time around, especially because he doesn't seem to get better with medication and relative rest, we have decided to crate him. This is his first time in a crate. He hasn't been crate trained and we so regret it now. He seems quite tense and doesn't lie down. How can I make my dog feel better in this unfortunate situation? Has anyone else had to go through this? Thank you all in advance.


15 year old dog not himself after vaccines and Librela

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My 15 year old Yorkie mix had his rabies and another vaccine on Tuesday, and also had first Librela shot. He is quiet and “depressed”since. He is only eating at night but he has an appetite. He wants to be hand-fed for some reason. We have a guest staying with us that coincided with the shot visit, so he could be upset that my usual undivided attention is on someone else and I’m going out more. But anyone know if lethargy is common after vaccine and Librela? And if so, for how long after?


I’m getting bored of chasing balls and frisbees. What are some mentally stimulating games I can make my owners play with me? 🤔🐾


Super itchy skin on my dog, I’m at a loss.

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He had a tick on him (definitely engorged) but not in that area, no fleas (because where I wash him no flea blood and i used a flea comb no fleas) I am thinking maybe allergies because we moved somewhere new. But I really don’t know what do to. I feel so bad for him his entire back is itchy, but he is old and keep chewing on his back end (that’s the only place he can get) I have bought all the sprays, hot spot itchy, the stop chewing spray, the tick and flea spray (I haven’t used yet) He has been itchy for weeks, I just changed his food in all this mess and it didn’t progress any worse, I don’t let him roll around in the grass, Any ideas?? I really need help and going to the vet is super expensive and I want to but i moved and I don’t even know where to start (when it comes to a good vet)


Puppy nail growing on pad?

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I just got my puppy yesterday. The carrier said nails were bleeding the night before, but it had stopped. She said she didn’t know which leg. I thought it was a nail cut too short, but today I see a nail on his front left leg growing on the pad itself. Is this some congenital problem or ingrown nail (is this a problem a vet can fix)?


Just got this outdoor light , What do you guys think !! ❤️🐾🐾


Dental advice

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I have a 3 year old Aussie. I noticed that his front teeth have some plaque (pretty sure it's plaque?) on them. He gets dental additives in his water + dental chews regularly. I have recently been able to convince him to let me scrub his teeth with one of those finger toothbrushes + enzymatic toothpaste (recently as in within the last 3 weeks), but only for about 30 seconds total. Even when he's gone for grooming they've had trouble actually brushing his teeth, so this is progress! His canines don't look bad and his back teeth have some plaque but it's a very light tan color, not this dark color that he has on his front teeth. He has his annual coming up in early September, is it okay to wait to talk to the vet to see if he needs professional cleaning? Is there anything more I can do at home to fix this? He is otherwise very healthy and happy doggo. *yes I am aware that I've very much dropped the ball in terms of dental care, I'm trying to make up for that now and am fully willing to pay for professional cleaning if that is the case.


How likely is overheating inside?

What about it?

I'm from south of Europe and we're experiencing a harsh heat wave and temperatures are expected to go above 40 degrees (above 105 F) for the next few days. Older building in Europe means we have no AC. We have multiple fans running pretty much 24/7, a couple directed towards our bed and the floor where our 11mo corgi likes to sleep. However even I feel like we can't breathe. Inside the apartment it can get as high as 28 degrees. He has a cooling mat, constant fresh water with ice cubes inside, we keep curtains drawn to block the sun etc and I try to put a cold towel on him as often as I can. I'm still worried it will get too hot to bear for a few days. Realistically, how likely is for a dog to overheat inside with cold water and shade available? What about overnight? His coat is quite long and I'm not sure how cold he can keep himself even on tiled floor. I looked up at portable AC but with our small rooms and older windows idk how installation would be, and with a sudden 3k expense in the last week if we can avoid the few hundreds it would be definitely best. We are going away on holiday in the mountains in 10 days with blessed AC, just wondering how worried we should be for inside.
