What's in the ocean when your feet can no longer touch the bottom (photo: National Geographic)

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A zombie cricket. Actually, a Carolina leafroller attacked by the endoparasitoid fungus Cordyceps. The fungus keeps the host alive as long as possible & directs the cricket to climb to a prominent exposed perch where spores are released.


Planes, Trains, & Automobiles. ATSF 64 at LAX on an excursion with the Golden West Railfans tour that will eventually include a tour of the Los Angeles Harbor. The date was September 22, 1963. Note the Pan Am 707 landing on one of the south runways at Los Angeles International Airport.


Poppy plant growing wild in downtown London


This funeral home has a Motorcycle/trailer hearse so you can go out in style!

What about it?

Excuse the reflection from the glass - it was too rainy to take the picture outside.


The Puss Caterpillar (Southern Flannel Moth) will fuck your world up. I grazed it twice while climbing on a float. NBD at first but an hour later I was hyperventilating on the bedroom floor. The pain was excruciating. DH took me to the ER and morphine did nothing.

What about it?

I’m better now but neither morphine nor hydrocodone (I took double what they RX’d) touched the pain those first 24 hours. And the hospital hardly knew what to do with me. I had never heard nor seen this bug before and I’m sure I would have flicked it off had it seen it. Don’t do that because the hair is venomous and gets stuck in your skin. At least it leaves a cool scar.


A Perseid meteor and the Milky Way over Penticton BC, Aug 2020 from the Naramata Bench


The first ever meme (1919-192


The classifieds only had one classified.


This tiny snail I found on my walk


This illustration shows a number of movies that deal with time travel. It is a good topic to motivate physics students. Credit: Pinterest.
