Testing 80%AR 5.0 rating and Pizza program (less than 100 lifetime)

What about it?

So today a test will I will be doing is seeing what I can get with these current statistics. Today is sunday and I’ll be starting around 2pm and I’ll be back around 2 am so 12 hours not the busiest market but not the slowest market either I should be able to get 200 easily with my normal stats so let’s see what I get I’ll SS any cool orders and post in the comments. Wish me luck guys!

Read also:

This just felt disrespectful, I’m still hungry lol



What about it?

My dasher picked up my order and then didn’t move for 30 minutes. When I chatted in to support to ask them if his location was accurate he sent me this message. Another 30 minutes go by, finally I was able to get support to cancel and refund. Pretty sure dude just wanted to steal my order? Unless he had a spare phone on him to send this message. First time this has happened to me. I’m all for someone getting a free meal but damn Deandre, I’m hungry bro.


WTF is my driver on


started door-dashing a couple days ago and got sent p*rn….

What about it?

i don’t believe it was an accident…….


Promo Pay, we should get promo pay for dashing in this hot weather


Combined no tip 😂


Drivers never take my cash tip. Por Que? (I always add $10 on the app too)


“Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena”


Not exactly what I was expecting

What about it?

I don’t have anything to complain about, I got a full refund plus a few bucks in credits.


First day ever trying dashing after I lost my job. Honestly kinda disheartening.
