Ad I got on youtube. I have no idea what this means and I wasn't about to click the link to find out.

Read also:

But I like street food vendors


It's amazing how true this isn't.


Apparently girls only have two eggs…


I found a good one!


guess which subreddit i found this under


Not How Highschool Girls Work


Does Starfield Have A Chance In Hell Of Winning GOTY Or Is There Too Much Zelda Bias In The Media For That To Ever Happen?


Earth Theory - Gamma Ray Burst (GR

What about it?

My theory of what happened to Earth is that is was hit with a Gamma Ray Burst (GR. They would never see it coming because it travels at light speed and a relatively close one would instantly sterilize one side of the Earth and destroy the entire atmosphere. I'm thinking the timeline will be Earth established a few small colonies, GRB hits and destroys Earth, colonies come together and cooperate due to lack of resources from Earth's destruction, colonies eventually splinter and go to war over resources, game takes place after the colony wars.


My Starfield ship design


Are you expecting there to be more city behind this POV, or do you think what’s in view is the entirety of New Atlantis?
