Anyone give their pups Antinol (green lipped mussel extract)? Would love to hear your experiences.

What about it?

My senior GSD gal was recently diagnosed with hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis. She suddenly went from being okay one day to having a hard time getting comfortable (constantly pacing/panting and can’t lie down for very long). Vet prescribed gabapentin and rimadyl, which seem to somewhat help but not entirely. Vet suggested we try Dasequin MSM and Antinol. I found a lot of information for Dasequin but couldn’t find much info on Antinol. So far it’s only been 1 week with Dasequin and a few days with Antinol so I’m not expecting to see results yet, but wanted to hear y’all’s experience with it.

Read also:

Weird white lump in mouth??

What about it?

Any idea what this white lump may be? I think it’s probably a wart?


Dog has bump that is oozing liquid.

What about it?

Hey everyone, I have an 11 year yorkie poodle, for the most part she is relatively healthy for her age. She has had a bump for the last few months (Vet stated it was nothing to be concerned about and call if I noticed changes) We have noticed over the last few days it has both changed color and size. I’m calling her vet in the morning for an emergency appointment, but I cant help but panic. Please help!


Lump forming on dogs rear...

What about it?

Doesn't seem to cause pain or be sensitive. Didn't notice until yesterday, but grew a bit since it was noticed. This need a vet visit?


Red spots

What about it?

What does this look like to y'all? The spots are all over his belly and he keeps biting at them


Caption this


5 Month Old Puppy Teething Question

What about it?

My Puppy is Currently Teething and is in the process is losing one of her canines and when I say losing boy do I mean losing. It is currently still connected, the adult tooth has not broken through yet, but the puppy tooth is still connected in some parts and is very wiggly. I feel by tomorrow she may lose it and it will fall out, but I want to be sure this isn’t concerning. It does not seem to be causing her any pain. She is still eating and playing normally, and I have given her teether rings, toys, and ice to try to dislodge it with no luck currently. Any advice?


Too much salt water while swimming

What about it?

Hi all! We’ve been having a blast with our 10 month old Belgian Malinois /GSD pup in the ocean. Her swimming is so impressive and she even jumps off of little sea cliffs after the ball. She’s a big hit at the beach. Everyone wants to throw the ball for her and watch her be her doggie self braving waves. She will go for hours and it’s a great way to exercise a working breed that needs it. Safety concerns: she always has fresh water available to drink, and there is always someone in the water with her to make sure she makes it to shore. The issue is that she gets the major squirts afterwards. She doesn’t outright drink salt water. I think that she swallows it as she is swimming with the ball in her mouth. I’m concerned about salt water poisoning. Is there any way to mitigate this?


Is this event is for limited time or permanent?


Am I missing something? Who are these people?


I've caught you now (will_mushi)
