
What about it?

I was wondering if anyone here might have had this with their pup, I went on a trip and my mijo stayed with his grandmama and I came back to see this on his little mouth. Anyone seen it before. Little red spot below his nose. Appreciate any insight!

Read also:

Seeking advice on whether my dog needs medical attention

What about it?

Hi, my dog developed this sore type thing on his mouth and I only noticed it last night. He is about a year and a half old German shepherd mix. Is this something that warrants a vet visit? He doesn’t react in pain when I touch it but I can’t figure out what it is. It is not puss filled, and it is firm when I poke it. I’m in a really bad financial situation and don’t want to overreact but will absolutely take him to see the vet of course if this is something that would threaten his health because he is really important to me. Thanks!!


Teen dog acne?

What about it?

My Great Pyrenees/Anatolian mix is 7 months old, and just came home from the shelter a little over two weeks ago. This acne has popped up within the last 18ish hours and so far doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all. I’m wondering if it’s just a teenage acne phase, and if there’s anything I can do for it besides keeping the area clean and not irritating it? He gradually switched foods without any trouble during his first week home, and as far as I know hasn’t been into any poison ivy or nettles. He’s been spending 6+ hours outdoors with me each day “helping” care for horses and do farm chores (he mostly naps in the barn/shade) but occasionally wanders around trying to investigate something he heard or smelled. He’s already got really great recall and never goes too far, but it’s not impossible that he could’ve found himself rolling around in the wrong plants. This is my first male dog (my family’s girls have never had acne issues in the past) so I just wanna make sure I’m not overlooking anything really. If it starts to bother him or look really irritated he’ll definitely go see the vet, but in the mean time what (if anything) should I be doing here? He’s just been cleared for baths (was neutered the day before he came home,) so should I be looking for specific shampoos that might help?


Anything I can do to help?

What about it?

Hello I’m going to the vet tomorrow to get this checked out. In the meantime can I do anything to help? My dog is walking normally and isn’t touching it. However, I’m just worried I believe it’s infected or something. Any advice?


Strange bubble on foot.


Anyone give their pups Antinol (green lipped mussel extract)? Would love to hear your experiences.

What about it?

My senior GSD gal was recently diagnosed with hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis. She suddenly went from being okay one day to having a hard time getting comfortable (constantly pacing/panting and can’t lie down for very long). Vet prescribed gabapentin and rimadyl, which seem to somewhat help but not entirely. Vet suggested we try Dasequin MSM and Antinol. I found a lot of information for Dasequin but couldn’t find much info on Antinol. So far it’s only been 1 week with Dasequin and a few days with Antinol so I’m not expecting to see results yet, but wanted to hear y’all’s experience with it.


Weird white lump in mouth??

What about it?

Any idea what this white lump may be? I think it’s probably a wart?


Dog has bump that is oozing liquid.

What about it?

Hey everyone, I have an 11 year yorkie poodle, for the most part she is relatively healthy for her age. She has had a bump for the last few months (Vet stated it was nothing to be concerned about and call if I noticed changes) We have noticed over the last few days it has both changed color and size. I’m calling her vet in the morning for an emergency appointment, but I cant help but panic. Please help!


Lump forming on dogs rear...

What about it?

Doesn't seem to cause pain or be sensitive. Didn't notice until yesterday, but grew a bit since it was noticed. This need a vet visit?


Red spots

What about it?

What does this look like to y'all? The spots are all over his belly and he keeps biting at them


Caption this
