WSB self help book

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Aus Post Parcel Collect Address?

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Hey guys, I wanted to use parcel collect on Aus Post but I was wondering how I should fill out my address when there is no address line 2 on a stores delivery menu?


Found on a realestate listing in Yaapeet Vic. What is this coming into / out of the sink ?


Clouds saying hi😵‍💫

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Weather control at its finest 😆


Life goals A5 wagyu spotted at Costco


This is Tavi he is a Bernedoodle who’s owner has difficulty entertaining a lazy puppy who still wants to play

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Tried toy’s which he occasionally uses doesn’t like walks or chase and any time he does something active he plops down almost immediately but still very clearly wants to play need help/suggestions


My dogs ears are they ok??

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my dogs year look reder than before are they ok? Labrador Retriever ,2.5 years old ,monsoon season and very humid here


How on earth do I keep these sutures clean?

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My stumpy little boy tried to defend me from a bloodhound and it didn’t go well for him. I am supposed to put ointment on his sutures twice a day and obviously keep them clean and dry. He just licks it right off and obviously gets them dirty from eating, and generally being a filthy little beast. Any suggestions?


Seeking any and all advice on parenting a dog with a recent amputation

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We recently brought home this sweet 4 year old boy. He had his leg amputated 3 months ago, as he was found with a bad injury. I’ve been trying to make our home more comfortable for him and build his confidence and stability. Currently collecting so many rugs to line his walkways with and trying to amass other equipment, such as a balance disc, raised food and water dishes, and a nice foam bed for him (he’s currently “sharing” the bed with us — see: hogging). We’ve been focusing on exercise in our yard for the most part with fetch, while also taking him on a short walk at night (TX summer is too brutal before the sun is down). Aiming for short jaunts of exercise with plenty of rest in between. SO — amputee/tripod parents, what are things you’ve learned that the internet didn’t teach you? What were some things that surprised you (positive, negative, or neutral)? Tell me about your struggles and successes, as well as your life hacks to help provide for your dog’s healing, comfort, and happiness.



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I was wondering if anyone here might have had this with their pup, I went on a trip and my mijo stayed with his grandmama and I came back to see this on his little mouth. Anyone seen it before. Little red spot below his nose. Appreciate any insight!


Seeking advice on whether my dog needs medical attention

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Hi, my dog developed this sore type thing on his mouth and I only noticed it last night. He is about a year and a half old German shepherd mix. Is this something that warrants a vet visit? He doesn’t react in pain when I touch it but I can’t figure out what it is. It is not puss filled, and it is firm when I poke it. I’m in a really bad financial situation and don’t want to overreact but will absolutely take him to see the vet of course if this is something that would threaten his health because he is really important to me. Thanks!!
