The number of screws I had to remove to change the laptop's hard drive

What about it?

23 screws from a Toshiba Satellite pro

Read also:

The shorts I want finally go on sale...


Someone keeps doing this to a public basketball court.


Shower screen randomly exploded (literally)

What about it?

Me and my partner were woken up at 3 this morning by a loud, thundering bang. I thought someone had kicked a door in downstairs so went out to look, but as I passed the bathroom I noticed glass covering the whole floor. The photo doesn't show the full extent, but there is glass everywhere - all over the floor, on top of the cabinet, in the bath, in the sink, on the toilet.....even in the toothbrush holder. We googled it and apparently it's an extremely rare phenomenon caused by an impurity when the glass is manufactured, which caused the glass to explode. We've had the bath screen for 7 years.


Elden Ring in school :O

What about it?

My little brother had the subject of castles in school, and some from Elden Ring were used as examples.


Help with Commander Niall

What about it?

Here’s my stats. I’m a samurai build. Primary weapon is moonveil which is maxed out on upgrades (far as I can tell). Also use Uchigatana with Holy ash (upgraded pretty well). I can take the two spirit knights out 50% of the the time I enter fight but the commander just wipes me out. Maybe just need to dodge better? Any suggestions on reallocating stats or other weapons/magic or strategies I can use would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for any tips/suggestions!


Ladies and Gentletarnished..we got her.

What about it?

*insert Halo theme*


Godrick, the grafted by me


losing your license 3 times and then bragging about it.


Who’s worse? The mustang in the handicap area or the Hyundai taking up two spots?


When its been a long/shitty day at work. Nothing relaxes me more than a kid's dinner and an early night.
